Tokyo Bilingual Chess Club's 20th Scholastic Tournament held on April 17, 2021 with the time control of 25 min. + 5 sec. increment.  The Tournament Director, CM Alex Averbukh  made the pairings each round and settled any type of dispute that arose during the game. We could not hold chess tournaments without him!


There were 12 young players, that came out during our tournament from at least 8 schools.  Although many people believe that chess is just a game, there are many scientific and artistic applications that the game has to offer.  Children played five rounds showing fine sportsmanship as well as fine ability. We won't be so concerned about preparation because the results are not as meaningful this time and we can focus on making sure kids are getting an enjoyable and edifying chess experience.   

When two or more players ended up with the same score, we usually have a blitz chess play-off.  The blitz games did not take place in this tournament, therefore, we were able to go home a bit earlier than usual.


We had two sections and the winners in Group A were:


Class A: Shota Osaka with 4.5/5.0

Class A: Stepan Nikitin with 4.0/5.0

Class A: Kai Tatsumi with 3.5/5.0


Congratulations to Shota, who won the first place two times in a row!

Winners in Group B were:


Class B: Gleb Dokhnovtsev with 5.0/5.0

Class B: Yoshiaki Uno with 4.0/5.0

Class B: Perry Spratt with 3.0/5.0



Congratulations to Gleb, who won the first place with a full score!  Also, congratulations to everyone who came out to participate and make for a great chess community event. With trophies, certificates and other prizes up for grabs, the Lemon Boys Tournament was fun and furtile breeding ground for up and coming champions! 

We wish all of these bright young players continued success and hope to meet them and their parents again in the future. We are curious to see what changes will occur in the next few months. 

Stay tuned for the FUN OPEN scholastic tournament on May 22nd, 2021!

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